‘Twas Brillig

… And the slithiness of the toves continues. The Lord Adonis has left us, not as in the ancient myth gored by a boar (unless he is thought to have been shafted by a boar of a PM) but to transmute his enthusiasm for academies into a different transport of joy. And now a new claimant to office at Soft Furnishing, one journalist following another, comes up with a nifty wheeze for changing the colour of the coaches in the train set he too wants to play with: so – let’s have nonsense academies for weenies.

What is it about hacks like these that makes them so attractive to government supremos with an idée fixe on the next quick fix for public education? Did they manage to insinuate themselves into drinks parties at No 10 and party HQs where our leaders and hopefuls were dazzled by their practised sophistry and grasped it as a tool to befuddle the electorate? In the Wonderland garden where public education is just a Tom Tiddler’s ground to our rulers, are press whizz-kids thought to have a particular talent for manipulating the croquet rules? Do our panjandrums see in the scribblers of this sort, exercised to the nth degree in extruding sciolist opinion, a special zealotry – such as is realised in ‘academania’ – that can be made to supersede workaday political processes? Oh for an answer!

Perhaps constitutionalists should rise up to warn of a new tendency in the serial appearance of these inky-fingered lads. For is our current executive dictatorship set to usher in a degree of ‘Government by Grub Street’? Could  the Ministry of Roads go to a Jeremy Clarkson, or AN Other windbag of a columnist take on the Department of Sustainable Energy? 

Meanwhile Master Mimsyl Borrow-Gove needs to be put back down into the bunny hole he’s just popped out of, where he can join the early learning stream and get a bit of coaching from a sage White Rabbit.


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Filed under Academies, Department for Education

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